
すべきことを。think what is necessary to do

Hello, friends.
I try translating what I wrote on this blog. It's not perfect but I hope you guys will understand what I wanna say...

The sixth day after earthquake.

Day by day, the problem increases.
Compulsion blackout because of Electric power decrease.
Nuclear plant
Lack of Gasoline
Buyout of Food

The biggest problem is nuclear plant now.
It was strong wind, so radiation was detected in Tokyo too.
Many people are going the southwest of Japan for escaping from radiation.

Another earthquake happened in Shizuoka (west of Tokyo) last night.
There is a nuclear plant in Shizuoka, too. That is more dangerous than Fukusima's.

Now, we can't say where is safe. Just go and stay where we can relieve.

What is believed, and how it judges it is my responsibility. Just think by myself, and make a decision what I belive in,and what I'm going to do.
I think that is important thing.

Many people do their best for helping people.
My friend who works at Aichi sent rice and toiletpaper to Tokyo office.
My friend's dad who lives in Toyama decided to bring Gasoline to Fukushima by his car.

And IKEA sent 600 pieces of FUTON to Stricken area.
The president of UNIQLO donated One billion yen.

9th years old children in Oahu made Lemonade juice by themselves and earned 100 dollars and donated all money.

At stricken area, elementary school students are doing volunteer activity by themselves.
Help carry the supplies from a helicopter.
Look after kids.
talk with old people.

even though some of students still can't meet their familly.

I don't say donate money, or don't use electric or be a volunteer.
I want to say, think what is necessary to do, just do what you need to do NOW.
Just imagine what is going on north of Japan and how people live at there now.
Just do what need to do now, just one by one.
If we do that it's sure to come back the normal days.


Again, I'm sorry about my English. there are so many mistakes. I hope you can understand what I want to say :(

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